For this assignment I would like you to write one letter, on

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For this assignment I would like you to write one letter, one memo, and one e-mail. Please submit all three on one file using the words “three negative notes” in your file name. NOTE – You should NOT use your current letterhead.Your company, PolicyPlan Insurance Services, is a 120-employee insurance claims processor based in Milwaukee. PolicyPlan has engaged Midwest Sparkleen for interior and exterior cleaning for the past five years. Midwest Sparkleen did exemplary work for the first four years, but after a change of ownership last year, the level of service has plummeted. Offices are no longer cleaned thoroughly, you’ve had to call the company at least six times to remind them to take care of spills and other messes they’re supposed to address routinely, and they’ve left toxic cleaning chemicals in a public hallway on several occasions. You have spoken with the owner about your concerns twice in the past three months, but his assurances that service would improve have not resulted in any noticeable improvements. When the evening cleaning crew forgot to lock the lobby door last Thursday—leaving your entire facility vulnerable to theft from midnight until 8 a.m. Friday morning—you decided it was time for a change.Your task:Write a letter to Jason Allred, owner of Midwest Sparkleen, 4000 South Howell Avenue, Milwaukee, WI 53207, telling him that PolicyPlan will not be renewing its annual cleaning contract with Midwest Sparkleen when the current contract expires at the end of this month. Cite the examples identified previously and keep the tone of your letter professional. Message Strategies: Negative Employment Messages  Elaine Bridgewater, the former professional golfer you hired to oversee your golf equipment company’s relationship with retailers, knows the business inside and out. As a former touring pro, she has unmatched credibility. She also has seemingly boundless energy, solid technical knowledge, and an engaging personal style. Unfortunately, she hasn’t been quite as attentive as she needs to be when it comes to communicating with retailers. You’ve been getting complaints about voice-mail messages gone unanswered for days, confusing emails that require two or three rounds of clarification, and reports that are haphazardly thrown together. As valuable as Bridgewater’s other skills are, she’s going to cost the company sales if this goes on much longer. The retail channel is vital to your company’s survival, and she’s the employee most involved in the channel. Your task:Draft a brief (one page maximum, in memo format) informal performance appraisal and improvement plan for Bridgewater. Be sure to compliment her on the areas in which she excels, but don’t shy away from highlighting the areas in which she needs to improve, too: punctual response to customer messages; clear writing; and careful revision, production, and proofreading. Use what you’ve learned in this course so far to supply any additional advice about the importance of these skills. Also, remember that this is your first interaction with Elaine; you do not have to “lay down the law.”Message Strategies: Refusing Requests for Recommendations  Well, this is awkward. Daniel Sturgis, who quit last year just as you were planning to fire him for consistently failing to meet agreed-upon performance targets, has just emailed you from his new job, asking for a recommendation. He says his new job is awful and he regrets leaving your company. He knows you don’t have any openings, but he would be grateful for a recommendation.Your task:Write an email message to Sturgis, explaining that you will not be able to write him a recommendation. Make up any details you need.

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