Aims of the Assignment To assess your ability to observe and describe changes to Singapore’s landscapes To assess your ability to apply geographical concepts such as space, place, flows, and networks To test students’ understanding of material and symbolic landscapes Buy high-quality essays & assignment writing as per particular university, high school or college by …
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The post GES1003: Critically Discuss How Covid-19 has Impacted a Singapore Landscape: Changing Landscapes of Singapore Assignment, NUS appeared first on Assignment Help Singapore No 1 : Essay & Dissertation Writers, SG.
Aims of the Assignment
- To assess your ability to observe and describe changes to Singapore’s landscapes
- To assess your ability to apply geographical concepts such as space, place, flows, and networks
- To test students’ understanding of material and symbolic landscapes
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What do you need to do?
Critically discuss how Covid-19 has impacted a Singapore landscape of your choosing.
In your discussion, please ensure you incorporate the following aspects:
- How has the landscape changed (materially and/or symbolically)?
- What are the economic, political, social, and/or cultural processes that have changed in the landscape?
- How would you use geographical concepts discussed in the lectures to
explain the way in which various activities and actors (individuals/organisations) have changed in their relationship to these landscapes?
- You can use the term ‘landscape’ in two ways: either
(1) as a thematic landscape, e.g. tourism, arts or housing and discuss 2-3 places; or
(2) as a geographical area, e.g. Orchard, a specific park or hawker center, and discuss how Covid19 has affected 2-3 thematic landscapes.
- If you wish, you can include one or two images to substantiate your points; they do not add to your word count.
The post GES1003: Critically Discuss How Covid-19 has Impacted a Singapore Landscape: Changing Landscapes of Singapore Assignment, NUS appeared first on Assignment Help Singapore No 1 : Essay & Dissertation Writers, SG.