How would you spend the national budget if you were president? Here’s your chance to find out how your ideas would affect the federal budget.
Go online to the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget at the link below.
Link (Links to an external site.)
Scroll down the page and under Tools, click on Debt Fixer Interactive Tool. This is an exercise in making difficult decisions and how government officials make trade-offs when they prepare the federal budget.
Experiment with your own budget ideas at the site. What are the effects of your decision
Your assignment will be at least one page in length and contain a minimum of 3 paragraphs. A paragraph is a minimum of 5 sentences.
Upon completion of this assignment you should have shown you are able to comprehend and articulate the following Course Student Learning Outcomes (CSLOs):
Identify major business functions of accounting, finance, information systems, management and marketing.
Identify and explain the domestic and international considerations for today’s business environment: social, economic, legal, ethical, technological, competitive, and international.
Identify and explain the role and effect of government on business.

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