i have a financial report need to amend. last writer forget

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i have a financial report need to amend. last writer forget put something on it. Using financial reports and accounts of the organisation analyse the results of the organisation highlighting trends in performance using appropriate and relevant ratios and analysis techniques. 
You will be required to extend your research on financial analysis of the performance of your company to include financial and non-financial performance indicators by designing a balanced scorecard covering four (4) perspectives – analyse the four balance score cards and evaluate of the technique used, and come up with a strategy map. 
Your approach to this task must reflect your ability to carry out research, understanding key principles in financial and performance management and applying these to a case study. 
The outcome of this task should be in the form of a detailed and structured report addressed to the directors of your chosen organisation. You must also include evidence of your research materials including full workings of your financial analysis in the appendix sections of your assignment.

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