Coding Standards: When writing code in this unit you are required to adhere to the Coding Standards and General Principles as defined in the FAQ in vUWS. Your code for the following exercises should adopt these standards and general principles. 1. This is a continuation of Exercise 1 from Week 5 practical exercises. Use the two java files, and that you developed in Exercise 1 Week 5. Import the two java files into a new project in Eclipse then: a. Add the following data fields to the Employee class Department – the name of the department where the employee works [a string] Position – the employees job title [a string] Supervisor id – the staff id of the supervisor for the employee [an integer] Pay rate – the hourly pay rate for the employee [a float] Hours worked – the total hours worked by the employee in the current pay period [a float] b. Add accessor and mutator methods for these new data fields to the Employee class c. Implement input validation for pay rate and Hours Worked to ensure that negative values are not allowed. Should this be the responsibility of the Employee class or the main program? d. Add the following constructors to the Employee class

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