Importance of lifestyle factors


Explain the importance of lifestyle factors, including diet, for both men and women and how they affect the likelihood of conception.
What are the key nutrient needs for women and potential complications in the first trimester of pregnancy?
What are the key nutrient needs for women and potential complications in the second and third trimester of pregnancy?
What are the benefits of breast feeding? When is an infant formula a healthy alternative to breast milk?
Identify key nutrient needs and lifestyles factors for breast feeding moms.
Discuss nutritional needs of an infant. Why do infants have high nutritional needs?
Explain when and how solid foods may be introduced to a baby..Discuss the nutritional needs of a toddler.
In this chapter, we will learn to apply our extensive nutrition knowledge to the specific needs of various stages of the life cycle starting with pregnancy to the toddlerhood. Nutritional concerns for women during pregnancy and lactation are discussed. Lifestyle factors that lead to premature birth and low-birth-weight are reviewed. The process and benefits of breastfeeding for the infant and the mother are covered in detail. Dietary patterns, nutrition-related concerns, and helpful tips for caregivers are provided for infancy.

Attached is the chapter for our book to reference in the first question.


Second question no word amount needed just an answer.

2. Here is another “hot topic” out there especially among new parents.

Should parents make their own baby food?

Why might parents need to choose commercially prepared food over homemade food?

Do you think making homemade baby food is worth the extra time and effort? Why or why not?




The post Importance of lifestyle factors first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.


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