The Impact of Culture
Instructions | |
This assignment will assess competency 2. Predict how the role of culture and diversity will impact management in multicultural organizations.
Directions We will continue to work on the due diligence analyses of the three countries chosen in LP1. For each chosen country, you will write up your analysis of doing business based on your readings of chapters 4, 5, and 6 of your text, on the websites provided and other research. Be sure to include information on each country from the cultural dimension theories of Geert Hofstede, Fons Trompenaars and the Globe Project. Address the following prompts:
The expectation is for a minimum of two pages per country. Include the graphs created from your LP2 practice exercise for each of chosen countries compared to the United States. You will follow APA (6th edition) formatting (no abstract is required) and should have a minimum of four references and associated in-text citations. This information, and that of the following LPs, will become part of your final project artifact Three chosen countries are Australia, India, Saudi Arabia |

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