Based on the interview transcript ‘Justin- Initial Client Interview’ (below) you are required to prepare a detailed file note [strategy paper] using the templates provided on L@G.
As detailed below and on L@G, your file note [strategy paper] will be broken down into two parts, Part A and Part B, to enable you to receive feedback on your initial submission. Please refer to the submission section below and the specific Part A and Part B instructions for more information on what is required for each part.
Overall, your final file note [strategy paper], ‘Part B’, should include an overview of the interview with Justin, including his current situation, his goals and objectives and any issues raised; and then based on this information, your strategic recommendations that address how he should achieve these goals. These recommendations should include wealth creation (both inside and outside of superannuation), wealth protection (insurance), estate planning, social security and lifestyle recommendations (as appropriate).
In practice, your file note [strategy paper] would most likely go to a paraplanner who would use the recommendations (and reasoning) given in this to prepare a Statement of Advice (SOA) for Justin. However, you are not required to prepare a SOA.
Please note that a standard SOA template generally contains generic information such as what is a managed fund, what is total and permanent disability insurance etc. Accordingly, you are not required to include generic product information such as this in your submissions. Instead, the focus of your submission should be your strategy recommendations (and reasons why etc) as indicated in the Part A and Part B instructions.

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