Each student is to submit a report detailing the results of their investigations into modelling with HEC HMS.
Part A – Flood frequency analysis (10 marks)
Undertake a flood frequency analysis using FLIKE and the data provide (on UTSonline) to determine the 1%AEP discharge. Use GEV distribution.
· Flood Frequency Curve
· Table of recurrence interval with expected quantile, confidence limits
Part B – Catchment Modelling with HEC HMS (20 Marks)
Model the catchment using HEC-HMS and the data provided (on UTSonline).
1) Calibration – For this event adjust model parameters to obtain a good fit with the gauged flows.
2) Determine the 1% AEP discharge
· hydrograph for calibration event
· Parameters used to obtain calibration
· 1% AEP hydrograph and 1% peak discharge
Part C – Discussion (10 marks)
Compare estimates for the 1% AEP discharge with your colleagues. It is likely different estimates exists with some differences quite large. What is the main reason for some of these large differences. How can you derive a more reliable estimate.
The discussion for Part C need not be longer than 1 paragraph. Be concise as possible

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