What are key physiological and engineering principles required to develop a continuous blood pressure monitoring device. (30 Points)
To receive full credit dedicate 1 paragraph for each area.This means: 1 paragraph (200 words max) for physiological principles + 1 paragraph for engineering principles (200 words max).
4.B. What are key design considerations that need to be addressed for a new device to measure BP continuously. You may choose to compare and contrast existing devices to identify the key design considerations (200 words max). (20 Points)To receive full credit dedicate highlight minimum of one existing devices. You don’t have to have a solution to the key challenges Identified. But provide solutions if you can.
4.C. Imagine a future where you have successfully invented your continuous BP device. Suggest two novel application of your technology — either inside or outside of the clinic. In aparagraph explore these applications (for example consider answering: How will it be used? Who will use it? Who are the stakeholders? Are there competing technologies?) (10 Points)To receive full credit: Be creative.Notes for question 4: – Use resources (e.g., papers, videos, books) and reference (cite) them.- Use drawings (your own or others), diagrams, or equations as needed.-Use Michael’s suggestions to improve your writing. -Do not overwrite. No wordy responses please.

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