Compute the stresses and deflections at the corner of the slab according to Westergaard and Ioannides. Compute the stresses and deflections at the edge and interior according to Westergaard. For the edge condition, compute the stresses when the entire wheel is on the slab, as well as when half of the wheel is on the slab. Develop a table of the stresses and deflections according to each method and comment on the table in one paragraph (which is largest, smallest, etc. and why). In your answer be sure to comment on the interaction of stiffness, stress, and deflection in terms of the three locations. All information provided should be typed.
– 10,000 lb total load
– 4 million psi modulus
– Poisson Ratio 0.15
– Modulus of subgrade reaction 100 pci
– Slab thickness 10 in
– Radius of loaded area 6 in

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