Do you like to read? What do you like to read? Newspapers?

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Do you like to read? What do you like to read? Newspapers? Blogs? Book? Comic books? Recipes? Texts? When and how often do you read? Do you only read books when they are assigned to you? Do you like reading books? What kind of books do you like to read? Why? Why not? Do you read in more than one language? If you do read in more than one language, do you enjoy reading in one language than the other? What memories do you have of reading? What is your reading experience? 250 to 350 words What is your experience with writing? Do you enjoy writing? Why? Why not? What do you write? Letters, blogs, emails, texts? Do you write in more than one language? Do like essay writing or story telling? Why? Why not? What do you like or dislike about writing? Why? Why not? What memories do you have of writing? 250 to 350 wordsPlease read the following short story:Annie Dillard – The Chase (Links to an external site.)Then answer the following questions:Question on Meaning: What is Dillard’s PURPOSE in this essay? Obviously, she wants to entertain readers, but does she have another purpose as well? (Hint: she does).Question on Writing Strategies: Why does Dillard open her story with a discussion on football? In what why does the game of football serve as a metaphor in the story? (Hint: look at par. 13 as well as the sentence ‘It was all or nothing’ in par. 1).Question on Language: Look up the meaning of any of the following words. (Then write the meaning next to the word). Please make sure to use the right meaning of the word in context with the story.crenellated (par. 5):translucent (6):nigh (7):impelled (14):compelled (14):prow (16):perfunctorily (18):redundant (19):piecemeal (20):exalting (20):righteous (20):Question from Discussion: Why, according to Dillard, is it usually necessary for writers to revise the opening paragraphs of what they write?Story Arc Question: How does ‘The Chase’ follow the story arc. Where do you see the following in the story, and what line represents the story arc element: Exposition – also referred to as stasis, usual occurs at the beginning of a story. This is where the author lays the groundwork for the readers. Who are the characters? Where do they live? What’s happening? Think of it as an introduction that helps the reader settle into the story before things start to pick up.Rising action – happens after the stage has been set for the readers, and begins to move the story in a forward direction. The rising action is generally characterized by conflict, usually problems and challenges that the characters must overcome. Climax – of the story is where the plot reaches its critical mass. It’s the tipping point where tensions are at their highest and the reader is most engaged by what’s happening. The climax is usually where the most exciting or important actions occur.Falling action -occurs on the other side of the climax. Think of it like mountain climbing. Once you’ve reached the peak of the mountain, you have to come back down from the top. While the rising action helps build towards the climax, the falling action helps deescalate the tension and ease readers into the conclusion of the story.Resolution – of the story is where the plot comes to an end. This is where major problems are solved and loose ends are tied up.

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