Analyze the workplace documents attached in the writing assignment attachment below based on principles of plain language. Write a memo addressed to me identify problems with each document and suggesting improvements or revisions. Use the language of Plain Language in your memo (writing exercise readability formula)
Quiz #3: Plain language principles and document design
Analyze the workplace documents below based on principles of plain language. Write a memo addressed to me identify problems with each document and suggesting improvements or revisions. Use the language of Plain Language in your memo.
· Document 1: Posted to alert people about access to Girard Street
· Document 2: Posted at a grocery store in the meat section
These are both real documents that have problems on the word level, on the sentence level, and on the design and document levels. Most of the problems should be intuitive to you, but they were not intuitive to the people who wrote them and they may not have been recognized by the intended readers.
Submit your memo to me by, September 22 @ 11:59 p.m.
-A Logical Explanation-
Lack of knowledge by consumers about the effect of exposure to air (or lack of it) has on the color of ground meat products results in many inquiries and complaints. Complaints involve ground meat products that are darker colored on the inside than on the exterior. Many consumers have the mistaken idea that meat is spoiled if the exterior is bright and the interior dark colored. Some report deception in packaging thinking that freshly ground meat has been used to cover older meat. This is not the case. The color in meat is due to the meat pigment myoglobin. In freshly ground meat, the bright red color of oxymyoglobin is observed on the surface where there is a plentiful supply of oxygen while on the interior the meat takes on a dark purplish color as the oxygen is depleted. These color variations are most pronounced within an hour of grinding and then will diminish as the ground meat “rests”. Hours or a day later, you might break open the meat and watch it gain back a bright color with exposure to air…a natural phenomenon.
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