A popular restaurant review website has released the dataset you can download from OA 8.3. Here each row represents an average rating of a restaurant’s different aspects as provided by previous customers. The dataset contains records for the restaurants usingthe following attributes: ambience, food, service, and overall rating. The first three attributes are predictor variables and the remaining one is the outcome. Use a linear regression model to predict how the predictor attributes impact the overall rating of the restaurant. First, express the linear regression in mathematical form. Then, try solving it by hand as we did in class. Here, you will have four parameters (the constant, and the three attributes), with one predictor. You do not have to actually solve this with all possible values for these parameters. Rather, show a couple of possible sets of values for the parameters with the predictor value calculated. Finally, use R to find the linear regression model and report it in appropriate terms (do not just dump the output from R).

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