The role that sponsorship plays in the sports event industry is significant. Creating sponsorships allows a sports event and facility to generate revenue from a variety of levels. Sponsorships can be handled in a variety of ways, but typical sponsorships involve “rights.” For example, many sponsors are willing to spend money on an event so they can have the rights to public advertising. Sponsorship status levels include:
· Title Rights
· Presentation Rights
· Naming Rights
· Category Rights
· Supplier Rights
Sponsorship rights can vary depending on the partnership an agreement. Some sponsorships can involve a certain amount of advertising and signage. While others may be more heavily involved with luxury seating, advertisement space, and presentation rights. This week’s lesson will take the student through the strategic process of targeting sponsors, building relationships, building customer loyalty, and developing sponsorship agreements.
Week 8 Forum | Sports Event Sponsorship
Please read the open ended resources (readings) found in the Week 8 Content.
This week you are asked to select a sporting event of your choice. This includes an event at any level (youth, high school, college, or professional). The event may be live or broadcast on television or online. While watching the event, please identify some of the major sponsors and answer the following questions:
· Where was the sponsorship located?
· How prominent was the sponsorship during the event?
· Was the sponsorship for the event appear cluttered? For example, did many of the sponsor images run together? Or did they stand out?
· What sponsorship do you feel was the most effective at the event? In other words, which was the most memorable and why?
· Finally, what suggestions do you have for the event organizers on how to improve the sponsorship presence at their events?
Please review the specific discussion directions, including minimum word requirements, as well as information on the discussion grading rubric, at the top of the page under the “Discussions”.
Discussion Guidelines
McKelvey, S., & Moorman, A. M. (2007). Bush-Whacked: A Legal Analysis of the Unauthorized Use of Sport Organizations’ Intellectual Property in Political Campaign Advertising. Journal of Sport Management, 21(1), 79–102.
Chapter 7: Waivers and Agreements to Participate. (2002). Legal Liability in Recreation & Sports (2nd Ed.), 77–87.
Running head: RESPONSES 1
Shaw, L. L., & Rogers, C. (2013). Safety in the Stadium. Risk Management (00355593), 60(3), 14.
Fore front
14 April 2013
by Lori L. Shaw and Chris Rogers
On May 17, 1939, NBC aired the first televised sporting event in the United States—a college baseball game between Columbia and Princeton. Forty years later, the debut of ESPN revolutionized sports, helping to grow and strengthen fan bases worldwide. The televised allure of the bright lights and loyal crowds have made live sports some of the most-attended events in the United States.
Athletes spend their entire lives try- ing to win a championship, but for event planners, it’s often not whether win you win or lose but how you man- age the risks of the game. Event orga- nizers face risks such as alcohol and drug abuse, crowd control, fire safety, emergency medical services, player injury, food safety, weather events, power outages, emergency evacuation, media relations, terrorism and more. And keep in mind, these events are high profile and highly volatile, so risk managers and insurance advisers must be prepared to handle the unexpected in front of a live audience of millions.
One of the most challenging risks
is athlete disability. Fans show up to games and tune in to see their favorite superstars. With soaring contract val- ues and rising concerns over injuries such as concussions, it is critical to be aware of what is happening in the insurance marketplace and to consult experts when necessary.
Teams in most professional sports leagues in the United States, except for those in the NFL, offer guaran- teed contracts to their players, which leaves the responsibility of a disabled player with the franchise. Advisers working in this area need to be highly skilled and understand the exposures and insurance solutions available to teams and individual players. “If you think about it, many of these players’ contracts are so large that, indepen- dently, they are their own business, and their largest commercial exposure is their ability to play,” said Chris Lack, executive vice president with Exceptional Risk Advisors.
In addition to the health of players, event organizers must also consider the safety of the fans. For example, a
Safety in the Stadium well-known insurance company was hired to help an NFL team control fan behavior, safety and security while the team played its last home game in a stadium that was soon to be demol- ished. The concerns, in addition to the weather, were how the crowd might act during the final game played in a storied venue.
Meetings were held between insurer, team, stadium, league and law enforce- ment personnel to augment the nor- mal emergency and game-day plans. They reached a decision to prohibit the sale of alcohol during the game and increase the visibility of the secu- rity team in the stadium to discour- age inappropriate behavior. Emergency plans were reviewed, updated and dis- cussed at staff and crew meetings.
Stadium personnel were informed of the changes and reminded to be observant of fan behavior. Public announcements were made through the media to inform attendees that certain changes would be in effect. Patrons were also encouraged to use text messages, phone calls and social media to inform stadium management of situations that might require their attention. Extra signage was added in the parking lots and stadium entrances regarding acceptable fan behavior and conduct. The insurance company also provided on-site personnel at the game to observe and respond to requests and, later, to prepare a review for stadium management regarding the success of their efforts.
In the end, the game went off with- out a hitch. Instead of blemishing the stadium’s history on its final day, fans were able to give the venue the send off it deserved. n
Lori L. Shaw is sports and leisure prac- tice leader and Chris Rogers is director of risk control for Aon Risk Solutions.
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