This assignment is intended to guide you through paying close attention to a Gospel narrative so that you may describe and analyze what is there.
1) Paying attention to the details in the Biblical passage and context surrounding the passage, without importing outside information on to the passage or larger Gospel in which the text is found,
2) Writing that includes the ability to describe what is being examined and then move into interpreting (analyzing) what has been observed and described in order to better understand the passage.
3) Writing reflectively by interacting with a Biblical text to think through and better understand the story about Jesus.
For this assignment, will work on Matthew 23:13-39. A series of questions will lead you through a description and analysis exercise on a template linked below.
Upload the completed file in doc, docx, or PDF format to Canvas before the due date.
Your answers to the questions should show evidence of your careful reading of the passage; you should, for instance, support your answers with evidence from the text, citing specific chapters and verses that indicate where you found the information that shaped your answers.
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