Can a geometric isomer be created from butane? With the use of a diagram, demonstrate how it can or cannot be formed.

Curriculum Expectation B2. investigate organic compounds and organic chemical
reactions, and use various methods to represent the compounds.
1. Name the following compounds. Where necessary use E/Z notation. (1 mark each)

2. Draw the following compounds (1 mark each):
a. 2-ethoxybutane
b. 3-aminohexane
Curriculum Expectation B3. demonstrate an understanding of the structure, properties,
and chemical behaviour of compounds within each class of organic compounds.
1. Can a geometric isomer be created from butane? With the use of a diagram, demonstrate
how it can or cannot be formed. (2 marks)
2. Circle the two structures that are structural isomers of each other. (1 mark)

3. Which of the following would you expect to have the higher melting point?
Explain why. (3 marks – 1 for the answer, 2 for the explanation)
4. Below is a primary alcohol or and an aldehyde (of same carbon length). Which is
more likely to be soluble in water? Explain. (2 marks)

6. Identify the following reaction types (e.g. condensation, addition, etc.). (1 mark each)
Curriculum Expectation – C2. investigate the molecular shapes and physical
properties of various types of matter;
1. Draw charge minimized Lewis structures for the following compounds: (2 marks each)
a. HCN b. IOF5
2. What types of intermolecular forces would you predict for each of the compounds
above? (1 mark each)

The post Can a geometric isomer be created from butane? With the use of a diagram, demonstrate how it can or cannot be formed. appeared first on Essay Lane.


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