Desperate, the townspeople sought the advice of Kralcus, the wisest man in the village. Krakus asked to be given a few days to come up with a plan. While Krakus thought and thought, Smok roared and thundered, only stopping to sleep at night. Finally, Krakus came up with a clever plan. One night, he filled a lambskin with spicy peppers and hot sauce and left it outside Smok’s lair while the dragon slept.
e COMPREHENSION TOOLS I Name: 11111 Understand How Plot Develops
6 The following day, Smok, still angry but also hungry, discovered the lambskin, and swallowed it. Soon the potent spices began to make him vet), thirsty. Smok drank and drank from the Vistula River. He drank water all day long. In fact, he drank so much that he swelled up like a balloon. The water Smok drank was heated by the fire inside of him Everyone knows heated water turns to steam, and steam rises. Finally, so full of hot, rising steam, Smok floated away, never to be seen again!
7 The happy townspeople sent up a loud cheer. They promised to make wise Kralcus their king. They also vowed to name the village Krakow. Even today, Krakow remains one of the greatest cities in Poland!

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