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FBM 12030: Rambrandt Restaurant has Come Out with Four Specialty Dishes in June 2019: Food and Beverage Control Assignment, SHRM

Assignment Brief: Rambrandt Restaurant has come out with four specialty dishes in June 2019 which are Maryland crabcakes, fried chicken and waffles, seafood paella, and pumpkin pie. They have been serving these dishes for four months and now the owner would like to know how they are performing. Based on the information given below, calculate: …
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The post FBM 12030: Rambrandt Restaurant has Come Out with Four Specialty Dishes in June 2019: Food and Beverage Control Assignment, SHRM appeared first on Assignment Help Singapore No 1 : Essay & Dissertation Writers, SG.

Assignment Brief:

Rambrandt Restaurant has come out with four specialty dishes in June 2019 which are Maryland crabcakes, fried chicken and waffles, seafood paella, and pumpkin pie. They have been serving these dishes for four months and now the owner would like to know how they are performing. Based on the information given below, calculate:

  1. Menu mix percentage
  2. Item contribution margin
  3. Menu cost
  4. Total sales
  5. Menu contribution margin
  6. Contribution margin category
  7. Menu mix category
  8. A menu item (Stars, Plowhorses, Puzzles, and Dogs)

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The specialty dishes are as below:

Dish Number of Items Sold for Past Four Months Cost (SGD) Selling Price (SGD)
Maryland crabcakes 289 4.90 7.5
Fried chicken and waffles 650 6.85 11
Seafood paella 326 11.55 17
Pumpkin pie 90 3.70 4.5

Having the completed worksheet, please use the information to generate a simple menu analysis by using the description of Stars, Plowhorses, Puzzles, and Dogs.

In order to improve the business performance, suggest the things that can be done by the owner based on the following criteria:

  1. Budgeting
  2. Purchasing
  3. Storage
  4. Receiving control

Your calculation worksheet may be based on the following format:

Rambrandt Restaurant has come out with four specialty dishes in June 2019

The post FBM 12030: Rambrandt Restaurant has Come Out with Four Specialty Dishes in June 2019: Food and Beverage Control Assignment, SHRM appeared first on Assignment Help Singapore No 1 : Essay & Dissertation Writers, SG.


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