An International Business Plan M&S Textiles Australia is a manufacturer of quality cotton fabrics. Due to increased competition from cheaper imported goods, the company is contemplating the establishment of a manufacturing plant in Asia to reduce the cost of manufacturing at home. The company has identified Bangladesh, Thailand, Philippines, and Indonesia as potential countries for the establishment of the overseas manufacturing plant. As a complement of the current production in Australia, this new facility will supply products to customers around the world (include Australia), but it will not sell products itself. The headquarters of M&S Australia is responsible for sales and marketing at home and abroad. You, as the task force of International Business Department in M&S Australia, are required to choose ONE of these countries, and write a report to the Board of Directors. In the report, you need to identify the advantages and disadvantages, the risks and opportunities, and other relevant aspects of operating in that country. Based on your findings, some relevant strategies should be suggested to benefit from the advantages/opportunities and mitigate the disadvantages/risks. Based on your report, the Board of Directors will decide where, how, and whether the company will go. When preparing your report, you are required to link your arguments to the course content, and to support your suggestions with relevant data such as what risks are in the country you choose, how the company should do to deal with these risks, and how M&S’s presence in the country would enhance M&S’s current business, etc. Please find the Assignment Help at:
This assignment is worth 35% of your final marks of this course. Assessment of this task follows the Marking Guideline (Appendix 2). If you complete the assignment with other students, your marks may vary in the assignment group, because other group members will evaluate your contribution with a peer-evaluation form (Appendix 3)

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