Implement two methods for the PatientRecordSystem class to save and load data. ************************************** The first method should have the header: public void saveData() throws Exception The method should write the data about observation types, patients, and observations that are currently in the PatientRecordSystem instance, in five text files as described below: 1. PRS-MeasurementObservationTypes.txt The file will contain information about the measurement observation types. The required format of the text data in the file is shown with an example below: T100; Blood Pressure; psi T400; Height; cm Each measurement observation type must be on a separate line. Each line must contain the observation type code, name, and unit, separated by semi-colons. 2. PRS-CategoryObservationTypes.txt The file will contain information about the category observation types. The required format of the text data in the file is shown with an example below: CSE1/4IOO Assignment – Part 2 3 of 10 T200; Blood Type; Group A, Group B1, Group B2 T300; Stress Level; Low, Medium, High Each category observation type must be on a separate line. Each line must contain the observation type code, name, and the categories. The three elements, i.e., code, name, and categories are separated by semi-colons. The different categories are separated by commas. 3. PRS-Patients.txt The file will contain information about the patients’ data without their observations. The required format of the text data in the file is shown with an example below: P100; John Smith P200; Anna Bell Each patient must be on a separate line. Each line must contain the patient’s id and name, separated by a semi-colon

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