explain relevant progression monitoring strategies for each learning goal

Student Name:

Student ID:

32513/03-  Short answer questions


CHC52015 Diploma of Community Services

Module 7: Professional Practice

This is assessment 3 of 3.


1. Background/Overview


As a community services team leader or manager, you must be able to assess, reflect on and improve your own performance.



2. Brief


This task consists of two (2) parts, all based on a particular scenario.


This assessment provides you with the opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge in the following areas:


·         self-assessment and reflection

·         preparing a professional development plan.














Please submit this assessment in Word doc format.


To do list:

1.    Write your name and student ID at the top of this page.

2.    Read the background/overview and brief sections of this document.

3.    Read the scenario.

4.    Complete the two (2) parts.

5.    Collate your written answers into one Word document.

6.    Save the Word document using the naming convention: your student number_assessment number.doc. For example: “12345678_31135_01.doc.”

7.    Upload your document in Open Space using the relevant Assessment Upload link in this Module.









  1. Questions/Task

Read the scenario and then answer the questions that follow.

You work at CareShore as a Case Manager.

As part of your role as a case management supervisor, you are required to review case management plans and practices to ensure that practice standards and legislative requirements are adhered to.

As part of your review processes, you must also evaluate and improve your own performance. This includes staying up to date with trends in the industry.


Part 1

  1. Complete the following self-assessment. When answering the questions, you may reflect on your performance during this course, within the case studies/scenarios and within your structured workplace learning. You should complete this self-assessment in conjunction with your peers or supervisor where possible. If you are not able to do this with someone in the workplace, complete it with another student, a friend or family member.
For each of the following statements, tick the box that best describes how often you do this in your work.

Note that there are no right or wrong answers and you will not be graded on how you rate yourself in this. Instead, your assessor will be looking to see that you can conduct an honest self-assessment.

Always Often Sometimes Rarely Never
I put the client’s needs first          
I show commitment to clients in the way that I speak and behave          
I discuss my work strategies with my peers in order to improve          
I meet the promises that I make my clients          
I include the client in the development, management and review of their case management plan          
I take the time to get to know the client          
I seek feedback from the client          
I follow practice standards          
I look for ways to improve my performance          
I acknowledge complaints and review them as a way to improve performance          
I empathise with the client          
I take responsibility/accountability for my actions          
I advocate for my client          
I avoid taking actions that are outside my scope of responsibility          
I maintain professional boundaries          
I seek specialist advice when required          
I escalate and refer issues that are outside of my scope of responsibility          
I adequately supervise others          
I provide advice and support to others          
I monitor and review the work of others          



Based on this assessment, list and describe at least three (3) of your strengths that you have identified. (50-100 words)



Based on this assessment, list and describe three strategies you can implement to improve your professional performance? (50-75 words)






  1. How can your personal beliefs, value and behaviour affect your professional practice? (50-100 words)








  1. Describe two (2) models of professional reflection that you could use and their processes.



(10 words each)


(50 words each)










Part 2

  1. Identify two (2) current industry developments and describe you could consider integrating into your work practice.

(30 words each)

How could you integrate this to improve your work practice?

(50 words each)



  1. Learning is a vital process within professional practice. Briefly describe each of the different learning styles and how they impact learning.

(50 words each)

What would you do for this type of learner?

(50 words each)



C: Use the following table to prepare a self-development plan, based on your self-assessment in Part 1. You must identify at least three learning goals in your plan and you must incorporate a range of professional development options provided under ‘resources required’:


(30 words each)

Actions to take

(50 words each)

Timeframe for completion in months/years

(10 words each)

Resources required

(Choose from the options given below to be more specific for each of your 3 goals)


How will your progress be measured?

(50 words each)

Anticipated outcomes

(50 words each)

–          industry networking;

–          professional associations; (10- 30 words each)

–          training requirements and options;

–          informal and formal ways of learning and developing;

(10- 30 words each)


















  1. List three (3) supports you could access for self-care when you recognise personal stress.
Self-care need

(30 words each)

Self-care supports you could access in relation to this need

(50 words each)































  1. Assessment Rubric

Below is a rubric that determines whether your answers and knowledge is satisfactory or not yet satisfactory.

To pass the assessment, you must complete ALL the requirements for the column that is titled ‘satisfactory’.

It is advisable to read the rubric before attempting the assessments to help you attain the correct submission standard.






Not yet satisfactory


Part 1:

Question A


The student is able to sufficiently use a self-assessment tool to reflect on their own performance


use the results of the tool to clearly identify at least three of their strengths


using the results of the tool, list and describe three strategies they can implement to improve their professional performance

The student fails to sufficiently use a self-assessment tool to reflect on their own performance


use the results of the tool to clearly identify at least three of their strengths


using the results of the tool, list and describe three strategies they can implement to improve their professional performance

Part 1:

Question B

The student is able to adequately explain how beliefs, values and behaviours impact performance The student fails to adequately explain how beliefs, values and behaviours impact performance
Part 1:

Question C

The student is able to accurately identify two models of professional reflection


sufficiently describe each model

The student fails to accurately identify two models of professional reflection


sufficiently describe each model

Part 2:

Question A

The student is able to accurately identify two (2) current industry developments


adequately describe how they could consider integrating each development into their work practice.

The student fails to accurately identify two (2) current industry developments


adequately describe how they could consider integrating each development into their work practice

 Part 2:

Question B

The student is able to sufficiently define the visual learning style and explain how to adapt learning to suit a learner with this style


sufficiently define the kinaesthetic learning style and explain how to adapt learning to suit a learner with this style


sufficiently define the social learning style and explain how to adapt learning to suit a learner with this style

The student fails to sufficiently define the visual learning style and explain how to adapt learning to suit a learner with this style


sufficiently define the kinaesthetic learning style and explain how to adapt learning to suit a learner with this style


sufficiently define the social learning style and explain how to adapt learning to suit a learner with this style

Part 2:

Question C

The student is able to clearly identify three relevant learning goals based on their self-assessment


sufficiently develop strategies to meet those learning goals that include:

industry networking


professional associations


training requirements and options


informal and formal ways of learning and developing


set realistic timeframes for achieving each learning goal


clearly explain relevant progression monitoring strategies for each learning goal

The student fails to clearly identify three relevant learning goals based on their self-assessment


sufficiently develop strategies to meet those learning goals that include:

industry networking


professional associations


training requirements and options


informal and formal ways of learning and developing


set realistic timeframes for achieving each learning goal


clearly explain relevant progression monitoring strategies for each learning goal

 Part 2:

Question D

The student is able to sufficiently list three supports for self-care when they recognise personal stress The student fails to sufficiently list three supports for self-care when they recognise personal stress
Overall assessment expectations


Word counts



As per tasks.





All the student’s work is original and sourced where appropriate.



Appropriate referencing conventions are used.



  1. Units of Competency

This assessment contributes to the overall competencies for the following units of competency:


CHCPRP003 Reflect on and improve own professional practice

CHCCSM006 Provide case management supervision


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