You are an economic analyst for a commercial fishing business. A financial newspaperreported the following about the fishing industry, “fisherman are landing smaller catcheseach season, but are taking home bigger pay checks. In 2015, the industry landed 467million pounds of fish sold at market for $25.8 million. This compares to 2014 when 706million pounds were caught fetching $20.8 million. Employment in the industry fell from16,444 people in 2014 to 15,850 in 2015”.a) You are asked him to graph the market demand curve for fish, plotting any datapoints that might be available; you have also been asked to calculate the priceelasticity of fish; your research suggests that the factors of demand between 2014and 2015 are unchanged (ceteris paribus applies).b) Subsequently you learn between 2014 and 2015 people switched to fish because ofa spike in beef prices; please graph demand, plot available data and calculate priceelasticity.c) Finally, it turns out that the information in part (b) is incorrect; actually, concernsabout pollution decreased the demand for fish between 2014 and 2015; please graphdemand, plot available data and calculate price elasticity.

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