Write a class that maintains the top ten scores for a game application, implementing the add and remove methods of Section 3.1.1 (in the textbook), but using a doubly linked list instead of an array. You can find a copy of Section 3.1.1 at the end of this document.
Additional Instructions:
– You need to implement your own class for a doubly linked list.
– The interface of your program should allow the user to enter a (single) string that represents a list of operations. The input string has the following format:
(Operation,Name,Score), …, (Operation,Name,Score)
Operation can be:
o A: Adds the new score
o R: Removes one instance of the pair (Name,Score)
– The output of your program should list the top 10 scores (and the corresponding names) sorted by score (descending order)
– Example of input and output strings: Input:
“( R, Name1, 200), ( A, Name2, 900), ( A, Name2, 500), ( A, Name3, 800),
( A, Name4, 150), ( A, Name5, 850), ( A, Name6, 750), ( A, Name7, 950),
( A, Name8, 250), ( R, Name6, 750), ( A, Name10, 450), ( A, Name11, 1000)”
Output (Tope game scores):
1 Name11 1000
2 Name7 950
3 Name2 900
4 Name5 850
5 Name3 800
6 Name2 500
7 Name10 450
8 Name8 250
9 Name1 200
10 Name4 150

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