The Role and Importance of Human Resources Management in the US and China Enterprises.



What are the Differences and Similarities?

The Role and Importance of Human Resources Management in the US and China Enterprises. What are the Differences and Similarities?
Human resource development has over the years changed and shifted in practice and roles. The practices have been tested with time, with some concepts being accepted and incorporated into the practice (Omotayo Adewale Osibanjo, 2012). These changes have occurred due to the need to adapt to new work environments and still utilize labor most effectively and efficiently (John R. Boatright, 2017). All businesses, regardless of the geographical location, have human resource management teams that are focused on improvement in production, reduction in costs for the running of the company and to ensure that an adequate number of people are always available for work at the office at any given time.
To obtain more information on the subject, I discussed with three experts in the field, who happen to be my mentors- Eason Sun, Yiru Lu, and Yulong Wang. These three own companies and also act as human resource managers. Eason Sun, owner of a retail shop mentioned the importance of adequate human resource skills and practices in developing the potential of workers. Sun mentioned that he considers his role as the human resource manager as fully achieved when the employees are performing most efficiently at the workplace.
This view was echoed by Yiru Lin owner of a construction firm, who acknowledged paying much attention to the employees’ sense of contentment, happiness, and drive at the work. “I care about the wellbeing of the employees and would not allow them to work without adequate safety equipment. I also have an open-door policy at the workplace to ensure the employees can reach me on important factors affecting them. I do not check on their feelings at work, their state of health, and mental issues. Employees need to be taken care of adequately to ensure they give their best at work”. This is in agreement that self-interest only makes individuals debase themselves and even hurt their employees (Debra R. Comer, 2015)
Yulong Wang is a human resource manager at a car dealership company and has changed his mode of dealing with his employees’ overtime. “When I first started the business, I was focused on profits and growth of the company. However, an accident that occurred at work, forced us to fall to our knees. We had to build up again, and I needed my employees’ loyalty and dedication at this time. This situation changed me. It is because of this situation that I decided to focus more on people-centered methods of human resource management. I find that my employees are more productive when they are treated as partners instead of being governed by strict rules”
The information obtained from the mentors shows the importance of guidance and mentorship in developing in a specific field. Their advice is based on practical skills and lessons developed at the job. On reflection of the mentor’s advice, it is evident that human-centered management design procedures are more productive as compared to rigid rules governing employees.
Literature Review
This study is part of comparative human resource management. In such a sector, human resource management is compared and contrasted between different countries, in this case, the United States and China, and covers the importance of external factors such as the labor market and union on the human resource management. China has had one of the fastest-growing economies with a gross domestic product growth of up to 9.5% to 2018 making China the world’s largest economy (EveryCRSReport, 2019). America on the other hand is highly developed, with the tone of the world’s highest per capita gross domestic product.
Human resource management practices in America hare human-centered. Susan E. Jackson et al. discussed the current human resource management practices in North America, accepting that these practices may evolve with time. One such practice is that of strategic human resource management. This assigns one role of human resource management as contributing to the effectiveness of the business. It requires human resource management to ensure that the rights of the business are protected against unfair employment, the practices are in line with legal requirements and pay practices (Susan E. Jackson, 2012). It also encourages employee participation in decision making.
In China, strict measures are placed on employees that are to be followed dutifully. An article by Song Lin and David Lamound covers human resource management practices in Chinese organizations. The paper aimed to find and state the distinct local approaches to human resource management that are utilized in China and to promote research done in China on human resource management practices. The paper reviewed eight existing studies by indigenous Chinese researchers. The results explored the different variables to Chinese human resource development and encouraged more indigenous Chinese research on the topic.
The issue of differing cultural practices between the United States and China is the main driver of differing human resource practices. Differing cultures play an important role, as shown by Kwok Leung and Jessica Y.Y. Kwong in the human resource practices of a nation. The rise in international joint ventures in China has resulted in the Chinese and foreign partners regarding different practices as just. The article covers the main human resource functions of compensations, training and development, recruitment, and exit of jobs and how the foreigners and the Chinese disagree on these matters, as observed from a justice angle (Kwok Leung, 2003).
In an article that covers the satisfaction of employees as linked to high-performance work systems, Po Chien Chang et al. (2018) provides evidence, through a study that high-performance work systems increase the productivity of employees due to increased satisfaction and motivation. HPWS is mostly used in western countries, including the United States. China, on the other hand, may find it difficult to incorporate HPWS into their management practices. In Chinese culture, employees are led by management instead of making decisions on their own. Moreover, the cultural organization is based on the family which may affect the acceptance of HPWS (Po Chien Chang, 2018).
Chinese culture is based on Confucian teachings that emphasize perseverance and thrift. As such, according to an article on… these virtues are emphasized in Chinese human resource management. The Chinese also value seniority, creating a high-power distance culture even in the mentorship and training practices at work. These cultural values need to be understood by anyone who wants to study human resource management of China (Yu Fu, 2011)
Le Chien Thang et al. (2007) discuss the extent to which management practices can be transferred between countries with a comparison of Vietnam and China. The paper considers the application of management practices of multi-source feedback, self-managed work teams, performance payment, involvement, and empowerment in Vietnam. From the research, the practices may be transferable to different degrees and several factors may hinder the transfer. The research also provides advice for managers seeking to transfer management practices to different countries (Le Chien Thang, 2007).
Objectives of the Experiment
The hypotheses to be tested in the research are;
Human resource management in China focuses on the productivity of the employees while human resource management in the United States focuses on the employees’ contentment.
– Human resource management in China insists on strict employee regulations while human resource management in America cares about employee development and freedom of expression.
Study Analysis
The research paper will be an empirical research. The research methodology is a study that will examine human resource management practices in China and the United States of America. This will be done by identifying eight companies in the United States and eight companies in China, bringing the total to sixteen companies. Self-administered online questionnaires will be sent to employees in the identified companies. The questionnaires will then be sent back and the results recorded. The questionnaires will be in both the Chinese and English languages.
The questionnaires will cover the employees’ thoughts on the management and their fulfillment level. It will also cover the employee’s level of productivity and how they feel the management practices affect their efficiency and effectiveness. The companies selected will have a comparably similar number of employees.
It will provide an overview of the economic, management, and human resource management systems in the People’s Republic of China and the United States of America. This will focus on comparing and contrasting the two countries in terms of national characteristics and human resource management culture. In this way, the historical, political, cultural, and management factors of human resource management in the two countries will be aptly compared.

Debra R. Comer, G. V. (2015). Moral Courage in Organizations: Doing the Right Thing at Work. New York: Routledge.
EveryCRSReport. (2019, June 25th). China’s Economic Rise: History, Trends, Challenges, and Implications for the United States. Retrieved September 12, 2020, from EvereyCRSReport:
John R. Boatright, J. S. (2017). Ethics and the Conduct of Business. New York: Pearson.
Kwok Leung, J. Y. (2003). Human Resource management practices in international joint ventures in mainland China: a justice analysis. Human Resource Management Review, 85-105.
Le Chien Thang, C. R. (2007). To what extent can management practices be transferred between countries? The case of human resource management in Vietnam. Journal of World Business, 113-127.
Omotayo Adewale Osibanjo, A. A. (2012). Human Resource Management: Theory and Practice. Pumark: Pumark.
Po Chien Chang, T. W. (2018). Do High-Performance Work Systems Satisfy Employees? Evidence From China. Sustainability, 1-9.
Song Lin, D. L. (2014). Human Resource Management Practices in Chinese Organization. Chinese Management Studies, 2-5.
Susan E. Jackson, R. S. (2012). HRM practice and scholarship: a North American perspective. In R. S. Susan E. Jackson, Handbook of Research on Comparative Human Resource Management (pp. 451-447). E Elgar and Elgaronlne.
Yu Fu, N. K.-A. (2011). The Impact of Chinese cultural values on human resources policies and practices within transnational corporations in China. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 3270-3289.



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