Now that you have established project need, defined project scope, specified deliverables, identified project stakeholders, project team, and the project manager in the previous two steps, your next assignment is to develop a plan for EHR implementation that should include: human resources (project team), tasks to be performed, tools to use for monitoring the project tasks (Microsoft Excel, Gantt Chart, Microsoft project), and set milestones for determining the project progress. This assessment is due Week 6 Tuesday by midnight
For this step, your supervisor also referred you to the following resources:
Four Crucial Members of an EHR Implementation Team
How To Implement an EHR System in 6 Essential Steps
EHR Implementation Plan: Your 8-Step Checklist
HER Implementation Roadmap Road Map 5-11-09 AS.doc
Olson, B. D. (2016). Chapter 27: Project Management. Health Information Management: Concepts, Principles and Practice. 5th Edn. AHIMA press; pp.873-908.
The post Crucial Members of an EHR Implementation Team first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.