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Journal Entry




For each journal entry, create your own tittle and write the chapter number your choose for each journal entry.
please explain more, how each issue is important, how it realtes to life and the chapter. Use better grammar and write the paper more professional, write the paper with more feeling. Add more to the paragraph- a paragraph is 5 sentences. Write the paper better. This is not a 100 grade paper, fix it.

Tell the writer- that each journal entry should have a introduction sentence and a conclusion sentence, so my teacher can understand the point his trying to convey. The paper should also be written more professional, with better word chooses.

Rewrite every tittle -make it unique
Fix grammatical errors
Make this paper better- more professional

Initial instructions
Five journal entries- four paragraphs each journal entry pulse the soure material.
Instruction for all journal entries-When I teach this course, I see the world differently. Everywhere I turn I seem to see things that are relevant. I want your “antenna” to become just as sensitive! The purpose of this assignment is to catalog and share with me what you “see.” I generally come across these moments when I read the newspaper; look at photos; surf the web; turn on the TV, radio, YouTube, and movies; when I attend events and when I interact with others. In sum, almost anything is fair game (if you use events with people who are not public figures, then use fake names).

Each entry must contain the following and APA formatting must be used:

Its Title and Chapter Number

The Source Material: article, picture, or a description that describes the entry in full

Relevance: 1-2 typed, double-spaced paragraphs detailing why this entry is relevant to our class, relating it to specific class materials we covered or discussed throughout the class Use evidence from the book that’ s in attachments.

Critique: 1-2 typed, double-spaced paragraphs describing your thoughts, reactions, comments, etc. about the entry. This should include your evaluation of the quality of any information presented. Use evidence from any outside sources: Book, article, mazagzine, movie, tv show, but have to cite the source using APA citation.
1.Journal Entry 1 focus on- 1 of the following chapters -Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 6.
2. Journal Entry 2 focus on, 1 of the following chapters- 5, 7, or 14
3. Journal Entry 3 focus,1 of the following chapters- 8, 9, or, 15
4. Journal Entry 4 focus, 1 of the following chapters- 10, 11, or 13
5. Journal Entry 5 focus, 1 of the following chapters- 12,13, or 4.

Critique: 1-2 typed, double-spaced paragraphs describing your thoughts, reactions, comments, etc. about the entry. This should include your evaluation of the quality of any information presented.

The post Journal Entry first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.


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