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List at least 6 challenges posed by pregnant patients in a disaster or MCI situationReading Assignments1. Pregnancy & Newborn Health Education Center. Prepare for disaster: Special information for pregnant women. Available at http://www.marchofdimes.com/pnhec/159_21889.asp2.Critical needs in caring for pregnant women during times of disaster for non-obstetric health care providers. Available at http://www.bt.cdc.gov/disasters/pregnantdisasterhcp.asp 3. Wiest, R., Mocellin, J., Motsisi,D.The Needs of Women in Disasters and Emergencies. June 20, 1994). Prepared by the University of Manitoba.the needs of women in disasters and emergencies.pdf4. Ewing B, Buchholtz S, Rotanz R, Assisting pregnant women to prepare for disaster MCN Am J Matern Child Nurs. 2008 Mar-Apr;33(2):98-103.Assisting Pregnant Women to prepare for disasters – Ewing B.pdfhealth concerns of women and infants in times of natural disasters.pdfautism prevelance following prenatal exposure to hurricanes.pdfhttp://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/08/16/AR2006081601516.htmlbig disasters result in tiny babies.pdfInstructions:- Minimum 400 words, 4 paragraphs- Use proper APA6 format- use more than 3 credible sources- Use grammarly
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