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Reasons for rising tensions


1)Discuss the reasons for rising tensions between the French and British throughout the early 18th century, ending in the 7 Years War. Be sure to mention the differences between the two empires (population, structure), their relations to Native peoples, and one or two reasons why the 7 Years War turned out the way that it did.

2)Review the text, carefully, as well as John Dickinson’s “Letter from a Farmer” (it’s actually a mashup of points he made in a few of his “Letters”). For what reasons do these North American Brits believe they are being mistreated by Britain itself? As you consider this, do you believe these complaints about the (Stamp Act, Townsend Duties, other regulations of mid-1760s) were valid and reasons for rebellious anger by these “Patriots?” By the way, John Dickinson and a few other “Patriots” such as Patrick Henry of Virginia were significant slave-owners, does that alter you thoughts in any way?


The post Reasons for rising tensions first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.


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