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Reflection Assignment –LET’S REFLECT ON THESE WONDERFUL THEORY READINGS! You will write 375-750 words (not including the reference page) to reflect on two of the theoretical readings for each week. Please note that you should not use the Lemert introductory essays or biographies as one of your readings. You should be reviewing the highlighted theorists’ works. You will also submit this on Turnitin to double-check for plagiarism.You must be at 15% similarity index or lower. The paper should be submitted in a Word format – .doc or .docx. For EACH OF THE TWO excerpts that you select for this week, you will need to provide a short summary (125 words each) in your own words for that excerpt of what you think are the author’s main point/s or argument/s. Please note that two of these summaries will need a short quote (40 words or less) from the excerpt that corresponds with it. Finally, discuss how this particular excerpt has implications in everyday life. Here you can relate it to aspects of your own life or modern life in general. You will need to have a reference page where you should list the two excerpts that you covered in your reflection in APA format. Look below on this rubric to see exact style. PLEASE NOTE: The small letter after the year is only used when you have multiple excerpts by same author and they are alphabetized by excerpt title. Otherwise, reference page is in alphabetical order by author’s last name.In addition, please note that one point will be deducted for all writing issues. One word of caution: Do not over quote (i.e., use more than a line or two of quotes in the whole paper).

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