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This assignment is for material management operatingIf a sou

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This assignment is for material management operatingIf a source is used, please list the sourcePlease follow the instructions inside the world filethis is the questions and I upload world file have the questions Assignment Question(s):(Marks 5)1)Describe the natureof operations management in the following organizations. In doing this, first describethe operation processof the productionsystem. Second, identify operationsdecisions. (Marks 3) (word count maximum:500)·A paper manufacturing ·An internal designoffice 2)Suppose that a firm is considering movingfrom a batch process to an assembly-line process to better meet evolving marketneeds. What concerns might the following functions have about this proposedprocess change: marketing, finance, human resources, accounting, and informationsystems? (Marks 1) (word count maximum: 150)3)Takea tour of the Soap Factory and describe the process used? (Marks 1) (word countmaximum: 100)https://www.marius-fabre.com/en/content/34-movies

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