With the advancement of technology, data visualization is becoming more common and expected for consumers of information. The industry is moving fast with new tools that offer different ways to present and interact with data.
It is important for a data analyst responsible for building visualizations to have an understanding of different tools and ways to present information. In this assignment, you will review data visualizations from the chair of a data consumer.
The ability to understand how data is consumed is very important to be able to design effective visualizations.
Prompt: In this task, you will compare and contrast examples of visualizations and analyze the impact of them based on audience effectiveness.
To complete this assignment, you will visit Tableau Public Gallery and SAS Visual Analytics Interactive Demos to browse and review different visualizations. Take the time to review and interact with at least 5 samples for each of the sites (for a total of 10). SAS Visual Analytics Tableau Public Gallery Include the following critical elements: • Visualization Presentation Comparison o As a consumer of the visualizations, compare and contrast the SAS and Tableau presentation layers.
Use the following suggestions to guide your evaluation: How are they the same? How are they different?
Which presentation features do you like and why?
Which presentation features do you dislike and why? Reference the 10 or more visualizations you reviewed to support your position.
Analysis of Effective Visualization Examples o Provide at least one visual from each tool that is a good example of presenting information to an audience.
In your analysis, provide proper reasoning for how each visualization is effective and describes the information being conveyed to the identified audience.
Analysis of Ineffective Visualization Examples o Provide at least one visual from each tool that is an example of presenting confusing information to an audience.
Explain why the visual is confusing, and identify what could be done to correct the visualization so it properly conveys the intended information to its audience.
Rubric Submission Guidelines: Submit a Microsoft Word document including your written description and screenshots of your two visualizations.
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