A motor with rotor inertia of 0.05 kgm2 is connected to a load with a moment of inertia of 1.5 kgm2 through a pair of gears with a ratio of N. Ignoring the inertia of a pair of reduction gears and viscous friction in the system, calculate the torque that is needed to accelerate the arm at the rate of θ = 500 rad/s 2 for a) N = 1, b) N = 10, c) N = 100. Estimate how much the torque/inertia ratio of a disk motor might be if it can go from zero to 2000 rpm in one millisecond, and compare it to the motor in Problem 1. Using a timer circuit, design a pulse-generating circuit that delivers a range of 100–400 pulses per second to a stepper motor driver.

The post calculate the torque that is needed to accelerate the arm at the rate of θ = 500 rad/s 2 for a) N = 1, b) N = 10, c) N = 100. appeared first on Best Custom Essay Writing Services | EssayBureau.com.