Recreate James Watt experiment on Horsepower
Unicorn Horsepower Exercise
You will endeavor to undertake the momentous task of recreating James Watt’s experiments on power; however, you will use a different creature (instead of ponies)… the majestic unicorn. You will determine just how powerful the unicorn is.
The goal of the experiment is to calculate the unicorn’s power, to convert it to horsepower (HP), and to identify the animal’s peak HP. James Watt conducted experiments with ponies pulling weight (supposedly coal from a mine). Doing this he was able to calculate an average value for the ponies’ power. The value was then increased by 50% to be applied to a full-sized horse, hence the horsepower (HP). You will be working with unicorns that have conducted a similar task to that of Watt’s ponies. The unicorns have pulled three different weights (light, medium, and heavy) over a fixed distance, and the times that it took to do so were recorded. You will find this data in the Unicorn HP Data section of Module 1. Once the file is opened, you will need to manually record your data.
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