Understanding of the analyses, models, and theory in the subject content.
2. Application to your specific brand. 3. Consistency across decisions.
4. Ability to communicate your findings.
5. Demonstrated group cohesion. A marking guide will be available on Moodle for your reference.
A ‘business style’ report is expected. Please include an executive summary (this is not an introduction or background to the report). You should also provide a title page, table of contents and a list of references. The body of the report which addresses the specific tasks below must not exceed 8 pages. Headings are required. Ensure that you have read the section on Plagiarism in this Subject Outline prior to creation and submission of this assessment and that you have also correctly cited and referenced all sources in the Harvard format.
Assessment 2 As a group, determine which target audiences, key benefit and positioning statement will be used for Part B. The following points need to be covered in Part B of your Marcoms plan.
1. Summary of the following points from
Part A: (1) Quadrant;
(A) one target audience;
(B) Positioning strategy, strategic options, and key benefit;
(C) Positioning statement.
2. From this analysis, determine your key benefit claim.
3. Write communication and action objectives for the target audience identified above, using SMART criteria. No justification necessary.
4. Develop a creative strategy for your marcoms campaign. This will involve identifying a creative idea using the Remote Conveyor Model. Evaluate at least two remote conveyors using the ‘properties of an effective remote conveyor’. After you have determined the big idea discuss the creative tactics (brand awareness and brand attitude tactics; and attention-generating tactics that will be used). It is important to justify your decisions.
5. You must include a storyboard (draft execution of campaign idea) as an appendix. Developing your draft execution in one of your chosen media is enough. E.g., a cartoon strip for a digital execution. It doesn’t matter how you draw – just make sure you’re consistent with previous decisions on your campaign.
6. Develop a media strategy for each target audience. This will involve the selection of primary and secondary media types, reach patterns, effective frequency, media vehicles and scheduling of impressions. These decisions will mostly relate to ‘advertising’. Justify your decisions.
7. Discuss a minimum of THREE channels that you will use. In your discussion, recommend relevant marcoms tools, such as advertising, sales promotion, digital, direct marketing, personal selling or public relations, or any combination of these tools you deem appropriate. Describe the specific tactics (e.g. Sales promotion – a competition) you are recommending and linkback to previous decisions to show consistency across your plan.

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