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Structure of the Management Report Non-anonymous cover sheet: This must contain the module title and code, assignment title,your name and ID number, name of your specific seminar tutor, submission date and wordcount Executive summary: This should present a ‘snapshot’ of the report – What did you find out?What conclusions have you drawn? [This will help you to start formulating the ExecutiveSummary for your Summative.]5 Introduction: An introduction that places the organisation within context – its financialstatus, operations (what it does), its proposed strategy and their key competitors. An analysis of the organisation’s external business environment – macro factors (PESTELframework). An analysis of the sector/industry through Porter’s Five Forces model. An analysis of the organisation’s internal business environment – specifically the capabilitiesof the organisation. This will include the use of the VRIO framework. A critical evaluation of the chosen company’s strategic position, based on an assessment ofthe organisation’s internal and external business environment using the appropriateframeworks – SWOT/TOWS Conclusions – [What conclusions do you draw from undertaking the various examinations ofthe above topics/issues? This will help you to start formulating some of your conclusions forCW2 References: These must be in the Harvard Format. Additionally there must beappropriate in-text citations throughout your work. [NOTE: You must seek out reliable andvalidated sources of information for your assignments – Please refer to comments elsewherein this document and other guides on the M002 Moodle pages.] Appendices: No more than four pages in total.
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