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You will analyze an agency policy that relates to gender and/or sexuality. You will analyze the policy through the lens of a) protection of human rights and dignity, b) protection for the greater goo

You will analyze an agency policy that relates to gender and/or sexuality.  You will analyze the policy through the lens of a) protection of human rights and dignity, b) protection for the greater good, and c) protection of the vulnerable. The agency Policy is on Einstein medical center-Philadelphia, PA location, rubric is attached outline how paper should be written. 3 articles/reserarch to be usedHere are some info/resources about Einstein:https://www.einstein.edu/news/einsteinagainrecognizedasaleaderinlgbthealthcareequality?id=418&showback=true&pageindex=50https://www.einstein.edu/news/theprideprogramateinsteinmedicalcenterphiladelphia


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