HI6008 Unit Title Business Research Project

Assessment Details and Submission Guidelines
Trimester T2 2020
Unit Code HI6008
Unit Title Business Research Project
Assessment Type Individual
Assessment Title Assignment 4 – Reflective Journal
Purpose of the assessment (with ULO Mapping) The purpose of this assessment is to ensure each student is able to individually document a critical reflection of their personal learning process, as experienced during this unit.
Matches to Unit Learning Outcomes 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7
Weight 20 % of the total assessments
Total Marks 20
Word limit At least 1200 words
Due Date Friday of Week 12
Submission Guidelines • All work must be submitted on Blackboard by 12 midnight on the due date, along with a completed Assignment Cover Page. [No cover page -20%]
• The assignment must be in MS Word format, 1.5 spacing, 12-pt Arial font and 2 cm margins on all four sides of your page with appropriate section headings, paragraphing, and page numbers.
• If applicable, any reference sources must be cited in the text of the report, and listed appropriately at the end in a reference list, all using Harvard referencing style.
• Include a statement indicating which sections of this research project (that you personally wrote) provided you with opportunities to learn about Business Research.

Assignment 4 Specifications
This unit aims to give you an opportunity to combine many facets of your acquired MBA skills into the production of a high-quality research project.
Assignment 4 – the Individual Reflective Journal – is to ensure each student is able to contribute to document a critical reflection of their personal learning process, as experienced during this unit. It will be best to build your journal progressively, by making notes each week, starting at week 1 and going through to week 12. Your notes will serve as a reminder of which sections you personally contributed to, what you learnt, and how you experienced the learning process.
A significant aspect of the learning journal will be your reflections on how well your team co-operated in the various phases of the Business Research Project, i.e. Topic Approval, Literature Review, and Methodology.
Assignment Structure should be as the following:
1. My personal contribution to the topic selection, problem definition, research question, writing of topic approval submission, and team charter. How I experienced this and what I learnt from it.
2. My personal contribution to the literature review report, i.e. search process, summarising of relevant articles, designing the outline/argument/structure of the literature review, writing up the literature review. How I experienced this and what I learnt from it.
3. My personal contribution to the research methodology report, i.e. my role in discussions about methods, sampling, questionnaire design, data collection, analysis and interpretation. How I experienced this and what I learnt from it.
4. My reflections on the research experience, insights I gained, and any issues, struggles, challenges, synergies I experienced, individually and in the teamwork.
5. Include a statement indicating which sections of this research project (that you personally wrote) provided you with opportunities to learn about Business Research.

HI6008 Assignment 4 – Individual Reflective Journal – Marking Rubric
Very Good
4 Good
3 Satisfactory
2 Poor
1 Unclear
Reflections about: topic identification, problem definition, research question, i.e. what you learnt whilst writing the topic approval submission and team charter
[Max 4 marks] Deep, insightful, well-stated, comprehensive capturing of essential learnings, feelings and future opportunities Good attempt at capturing essential learnings, feelings and future opportunities Satisfactory attempt at capturing essential learnings, feelings and future opportunities Poor attempt at capturing essential learnings, feelings and future opportunities Insufficiently reflective or not communicated
Reflections about: literature review, i.e. what you learnt while conducting the literature search process /summarising relevant articles/ designing the outline of the literature review/ writing up the literature review
[Max 4 marks] Deep, insightful, well-stated, comprehensive capturing of essential learnings, feelings and future opportunities Very good attempt at capturing essential learnings, feelings and future opportunities Good attempt at capturing essential learnings, feelings and future opportunities Satisfactory attempt at capturing essential learnings, feelings and future opportunities Insufficiently reflective or poorly communicated
Reflections about: methodology, i.e. what you learnt through discussions about methods/ sampling/questionnaire design/ data analysis and interpretation
[Max 4 marks] Deep, insightful, well-stated, comprehensive capturing of essential learnings, feelings and future opportunities Very good attempt at capturing essential learnings, feelings and future opportunities Good attempt at capturing essential learnings, feelings and future opportunities Satisfactory attempt at capturing essential learnings, feelings and future opportunities Insufficiently reflective or poorly communicated
Reflections about: the research experience, i.e. say what insights you gained, and any issues, struggles, challenges, synergies experienced, individually and in the teamwork
[Max 4 marks] Deep, insightful, well-stated, comprehensive capturing of essential learnings, feelings and future opportunities Very good attempt at capturing essential learnings, feelings and future opportunities Good attempt at capturing essential learnings, feelings and future opportunities Satisfactory attempt at capturing essential learnings, feelings and future opportunities Insufficiently reflective or poorly communicated
Your statement indicating which sections of this research project you personally wrote and how this experience provided you with opportunities to learn about Business Research
[Max 4 marks] Evidence of a very good overall contribution Evidence of a good overall contribution Evidence of a satisfactory overall contribution Evidence suggests a poor overall contribution No evidence of personal contribution
Total Marks (20)

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