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Written Review of Live Jazz PerformanceAll students will be

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Written Review of Live Jazz PerformanceAll students will be required to submit a review of a live jazz performance they attend. This review should be roughly two typed pages long. The following things should be included: the name of the group, the names of the individual performers (or key performers if the group is very large), the name and location of the venue, the length of the performance, titles of selections played, and the names of the composers. Write the review in such a way as to give your reader a good idea of what it was like to be at the performance. Describe the venue and the atmosphere. Describe the musicians and in general terminology tell the reader what they sounded like. Musical jargon is not necessary. Tell the reader how the music made you feel. Did you like or dislike it and why? Would you recommend these performers to your friends?The paper will be graded on the content items described above, the paper’s organization and structure, spelling, grammar, vocabulary and writing style.

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