1.FormatTitle page correctly laid out 1” margins 12pt, tim

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1.FormatTitle page correctly laid out 1” margins 12pt, times new roman double spaced page numbers on top right single sided Section headers on their own line, centered above their section (headers are below) – Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, References stapled 2. Introduction Definition of blood pressure Explain how blood pressure is an indicator for health. Define systolic pressure. Explain what causes systolic pressure Define diastolic pressure Explain what causes systolic pressure List the normal rage for BP (including units) State the range for hypertension Explain the risks of hypertension State the range for hypotension Explain the risks of hypotension What does the acronym MAP stand for. Explain how it is calculated. Explain why MAP is important State the purpose of this project/experiment correct usage of citations correct usage of quotations correct grammar and sentence structures. organized thought flow. Facts/statements in their correct sections. 3. Methods: Describe how blood pressure was collected Describe the equipment you used using proper terms Describe how you got your readings. (did a computer spit them out, did you calculate them etc) Describe proper body position for collecting BP. Indicate how often blood pressure was collected. correct grammar and sentence structures. organized thought flow. Facts/statements in their correct sections.

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