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PROJECTMUST BE COMPLETED AS INSTRUCTED.Researchyour Canadian solar industry and its market trends in the United States andidentify market opportunities, threats, and the company’s major globalcompetition. Then conduct the Porter’s five forces analyses on your client’scompany. These tools should allow you to analyze the company’s internalenvironment, customers, and macro-environment (external environment), and toanswer the following questions in your situation analysis report:Which elementshave the biggest impact on the company’s success?What factorsaffect the company’s customers (other businesses)?Deliverable: Yourfinal situation analysis by the end of Week 8 should include yourthree-page overview of your research findings and an eight-page review of yourenvironmental scan. The completed situation analysis report should be elevenpages, excluding cover page, executive summary, the reference list, andappendices. Any tables, graphs, and figures should be included as appendices.Your report should have one-inch margins and be double spaced in 12-point TimesNew Roman font. The report should be organized using headings and subheadingsto improve its readability.Supportyour work with scholarly sources and reliable nonscholarly sources such as Reuters,Bloomberg, Yahoo! Finance, Barrons.com, Morningstar.com, Money, Forbes,Fortune, Financial Times, Wall Street Journal, and HarvardBusiness Review, as well as the UMUC Library databases such as Hoover’s andABI/INFORM. All sources need to be cited using APA formatting, both within thetext and in the reference list.By theend of Week 8, submit your situation analysis report to your team’s studygroup. ONLY 8 pages IN TOTAL IS NEEDED FOR MY OWN PART (PORTER’S FIVE FORCESANALYSIS 5pages AND 3 pages EXECUTIVE SUMMARY)As youprogress with the final project, allow me to provide you three areas where I’veseen students make missteps: Remember theproject’s purpose. In the past I’ve seen students artfully use the tools.They write outstanding SWOTs and outline the PESTEL. But, they forget themain purpose of the project. You’re using the tools for a purpose. Be sureto make a clear recommendation for your client that flows throughout theproject. Integrate thework toward the project’s purpose. I understand that the project work isdivided among the group members. But, that shouldn’t prevent the groupfrom integrating across the many tools and toward the purpose. I often seedisconnects between sections, which I understand because the sections aredivided between your team. But, if you want to exceed the expectations,your final paper should flow between the sections. You should consider howto best link across the sections. You can reference the earlier sectionsif needed. I like to look for themes that emerge across the plan. Be clear ifyou’re discussing a B2B or B2C marketing plan. If you don’t understand B2B(business-to-business) review Step 2. Often I see groups create elaborateplans but skip a critical step – they forget to explain exactly whopurchases from Canadian Solar. This is different from earlier projectswhere you were conducting B2C analysis and it should be clear in the plan.
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