Describe two (2) things you avoided in designing the user interface either for your Jump ‘n Run game (AS2) OR the Cross the Roads game (this exam, Part A) which can add to the cognitive load experienced by users, making it more difficult to use a product.

1. In the context of the ‘Cross the Roads Game’ you designed for Part A, give an example how you could create a positive User Experience when: (2 marks) the user gains a point the user wins the game 2. List one way you can make the user interface of your ‘Cross the Roads’ game

The post Describe two (2) things you avoided in designing the user interface either for your Jump ‘n Run game (AS2) OR the Cross the Roads game (this exam, Part A) which can add to the cognitive load experienced by users, making it more difficult to use a product. appeared first on Essay Heroes.


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