Part 1:
- Based on the above two areas of information that to be collected, various data can be use such as land registry records, population data record, voter record, citizen record, car registry record, electricity bill record. All these records provide different snippets of information that could be used and the questions for identifying the demographic and usage of special health service. All governments conduct census data collection of their respective population on different time scale to develop policies at local, state and national levels. They are also a great source of information that can be used.
The above sources of the data, have different advantages and disadvantages. As the purpose of the survey is to demographically dissect, which section of the population based on the demography uses the particular health service in what amount, therefore, there can be issues in errors, misrepresentation, non-viability of the data, missing data. Therefore, mismatching and lack of reconciling are the biggest errors. Further, the context and content of questions asked, the responses, the accuracy , all these factors have to be taken in to consideration when undertaking a demographic data , which can cause overall errors (Arretx & Chackiel, 1986)
- Identification process:
For demography identification, the following attributed should be noted of the person living in the local area:
- Age
- Sex
- Income
- Social status
- Gender
- Work status
- Income Levels
- Ethnicity
- Educational levels (R.Frankenberg & W.Konigsberg)
For Identification of the whether the health services are being used, the best measure is through asking them questions mentioned below in the survey questionnaire.
Based on the requirements, the subset of the local population is to collected that is to be represented of the actual proportion of the population group. In order to reduce the bias to the minimum, the best method of designing the sample extraction from the entire population is Stratified Random
The best method which will lead to least bias is stratified sampling or proportionate sampling. Here the entire population that is to be surveyed is broken up in different layers and effort is made that the proportion between different population groups are maintained. Therefore, the sample is proportionally in each attribute, the same representation.
Part 2: 10 Questions that are part of the survey to capture demographic information
- What is your date of birth?
- What is your current income level?
- What is your educational status? which Degree do you hold?
- What is your current home address? Is the property owned or leased? What is the property rent in case of leased property?
- How close is the local community health service facility from your house?
- Have the local staff contacted you? Are you aware of the facilities they offer?
- Do, you find the local healthcare facilities efficient? Yes ….. : No ……
- How long you have to wait , before you are treated by the healthcare facilities? ……..
- How often do you access the local healthcare services?
1 |
almost never
2 |
3 |
fairly often
4 |
very often
5 |
- What is the satisfaction level when dealing with local health care facilties?
very slightly or not at all
1 |
a little
2 |
3 |
quite a bit
4 |
5 |
Arretx, C., & Chackiel, J. (1986). Some problems related to the collection of demographic data in the population censuses taken in Latin America during the 1980s. Notas de poblacion, 14(42), , 51.
R.Frankenberg, S., & W.Konigsberg, L. (n.d.). Chapter 11 – Demography. In Research Methods in Human Skeletal Biology (pp. 239-311). Academic Press.

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