300 words EACH. 1 reference each minimum. APA.1. Perhaps, mo

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300 words EACH. 1 reference each minimum. APA.1. Perhaps, more than anything else, agency executives what to knowif a policy is being effective or if a recently started program (or evenan existing program) is reaching the goals of the program and thetarget population (whether the program is directed toward employees orexternal constituents). Ergo, policy analysis and program evaluation& assessment are essential knowledge, skills, and abilitiesnecessary for effective and successful leadership. As the Captain of theCommunity Outreach Division, you decide to conduct an evaluativeassessment of the Police Athletic League (PAL) program. Describe theprocess, steps, and considerations needed to evaluate this program.2. Go to the Campbell Collaboration Web site at THIS LINKand access the Campbell Library (first link on the left navigationpane). Find a study that evaluates a topic of interest to you. What werethe selection criteria used for the review? How did the researchersoperationalize the constructs they were measuring (e.g., delinquency,recidivism, bullying, human trafficking)? What did the evaluativeassessment conclude?3. As the Chief/Sheriff, you decide tomake a bold and perhaps unpopular decision both with officers and/or thepublic. You decide to end the D.A.R.E. program in your area. You havelearned from research that there is overwhelming evidence that theD.A.R.E. program does NOT work (this, is in fact, the empiricalreality). Rather than spending time, money, and personnel on a programthat is not effective, you decide to implement a different program thathas been evaluated and determined to be very effective and productive.It has been deemed to be a ‘best practice’ and ‘model’ program by manypractitioners and researchers. The only remaining decision for you iswhich program? A list and description of available model programs can befound at the Office of Justice Programs (OJP) HERE and the Center for the Study and Prevention of Violence (CSPV) University of Colorado – Boulder HERE.Combined, these 2 sites list over 60 model/effective programs. Visitboth websites and look over the possibilities. Select a program youwould implement to augment the current efforts in the city/county youare serving. Briefly describe the program and why you are recommendingit. Minimum word count is 300 words.

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