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Determine the specific gravity (S s) of the dry solids in the slurry.

The water content of a solids slurry is reduced from 99% to 96% by gravity thickening. Assume that the dry solids contain 20% organic matter with a specific gravity of 1.0 and 80% inorganic or mineral matter with a specific gravity of 2.0. Lime sludge thickens to 5.0% solids in a gravity thickener. Assume that 25% of these solids are volatile and that the specific gravity of the fixed and volatile fractions in the solids is 2.5 and 1.0, respectively. Determine:

a. The specific gravity (S s) of the dry solids in the slurry.

b. The specific gravity (Ss1) of the 99% solids slurry.

c. The specific gravity (Ss1) of the 96% solids slurry.

d. The percent reduction in volume when the water content is reduced from 99% to 96%.

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