COVID-19 has changed many things, including food, cooking, eating and exercise. The way we experience the supermarket or mealtimes might have changed, the meaning of take-away might have altered; snacking while stuck at home might be different; and the whole system of food production and distribution has been affected. 2 This assessment tasks invite you think about how COVID-19 has changed something to do with food, cooking, eating and/or exercise. You might choose to think about this very personally and reflect on how COVID-19 has changed something for YOU. Or, you have the option to think about how COVID-19 has changed something to do with food, cooking, eating and/or exercise in our society. All students will submit a 750-word reflection that begins with the words, ‘COVID-19 has change … ‘ You might then write ‘… the way I feel about pasta’. Or you might write, ‘… the labour conditions of food distribution workers’. Or you might write, ‘…. my local gym’. You should then proceed to develop your focus into a short, coherent reflection on the current moment. You should strive to include empirical detail: think about the richly detailed ethnographies we have been reading. The details might be drawn from your observations, or your reading on a particular topic. Think creatively about your topic. If you are writing in a personal voice, include daily observations however mundane they might seem. Writing about the absence of some things might form a part of your reflection on what has changed. You might work in hospitality, and use this as the basis of your reflections. What kind of changes have you been observing at your workplaces, between workmates and/ or between workmates and customers in restaurants, at your local gym, etc? In terms of writing about broader social change, read through the examples in iLearn to get some ideas for suitable topics. There is space to be creative here, but we will give you plenty of guidance. The Week 12 tutorial will be devoted to workshopping this assessment task. And, in Week 12, you will receive written feedback on a 250-word submission about your assignment.
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