1. Research. You have four basic options for this project, so after you decide which of the four you are interested in, do some research to focus the specific task you will use for your Written Instructions.
The following are your four basic options:
i. How to draw a picture. How to create something with paper (origami, a snowflake, etc.)
ii. How to cook/bake a receptive. How to accomplish specific tasks on an app or website2. Writea. The instructions should be written for a specific audience and a specific purpose. You will be required to swap instructions with somebody in the class for feedback, so make sure they are usable!b. Consider readable document design for step-by-step procedures, helpful and clear pictures, the order of steps, any basic instructions you need to explain before or after beginning the steps or within certain steps.c.
Anticipate your audiences’ needs (for example, if you are writing baking instructions, you might say, “At this point, the butter and sugar will be boiling rapidly, but they won’t burn if you keep the burner on low,” as a way to anticipate your audience being concerned about the accuracy of a step).
3. Submita. The Written Instructions should include all criteria explained above, be between 2–4 pages single spaced, adhere to a readable 12-pt font, and utilize clear and appropriate document design for a specific audience.b. You will submit the Written Instructions assignment in class on the due date stated on the course schedule, no later than the end of class time. Late projects will be docked accordingly.Grading rubric (100 points) Breadth and Depth of Development (including specificity and accuracy): /25 points Cogency and Organization: /25 points Document Design, including Pictures: /25 points Grammar and Punctuation: /25 points