Jeopardy Game



Your mission (should you choose to accept it) is to create a Jeopardy game with your partner. This game is for your Physical Education students to play. The Jeopardy game will be based on our 10th grade Ultimate Frisbee unit. The guidelines are as follows:
(a) Create four game question categories
(b) Create four questions under each category (this would total 16 questions)
(c) Music is optional
(d) Create a cover page for your game board that lists the title of your game, you and your partner’s name, and the grade level (in our case, 10th)
See scoring sheet for this assignment posted on Canvas.
You will submit your Jeopardy Game on Canvas.
Go to the following link for directions on how to create a game board in Powerpoint (or search other on-line help if you don’t like the information at this link):
Please do not use Googles Slides as many of the effects will not upload properly to Canvas.




The post Jeopardy Game first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.


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