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week 1:Before the study guide is due, you have two forums. F

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week 1:Before the study guide is due, you have two forums. For this one, I ask you to do the following:Ask a question that connects two of the readings you have done so far this week. You might ask your classmates to compare, or to react to, or to explain something. You might ask them to apply personal experience or to connect to the current day. Up to you.Next, pick one person to respond to by the same deadline. As always, no late work, proofread your post for full points, and when you reply, type @Student name so we can trace who talks to whom. Points: 8 for post, 12 for answer.due feb 27week 2:Here, I want you to comment on a theme or idea that you think connects two or more of the texts you read over the last two weeks. Anything you want to comment on is fine, but you must use a quote from one of the two works you are referring to.So if you want to comment on, say, how music plays into literature of this time, you might quote from Ginsberg or Brooks, showing us how lyrical the poems sound when read aloud. Again, anything you think is a common thread. Reply to a classmate, agreeing, commenting, complimenting, questioning the connection this person made, same deadline. 5 points. As always, no late work, proofread your post for full points, and when you reply, type @Student name so we can trace who talks to whom. Due march 6week 3: American Literature since 1945 (click this on the TOC and the author names will appear)Introduction (essay)What was happening in history at this time that affected the United States?How did this history affect literature?After reading the intro, what kinds of themes, ideas, or stylistic features do you expect to encounter over the next two weeks?TimelineJust look it over. No questionsAudre Lorde, intro and any one poem (you pick)Who is Lorde?Which poem did you pick and what is your reaction to it?Why do you think Norton included it in this section? I mean, what do you think Norton hopes students will get from this poem? Or, if not in Norton, why do you think he is anthologized by the Poetry Foundation of America?Welty, intro and Petrified ManWho was Welty?The story has features of newness but it also hearkens back to earlier American writing in the use of local color and regional details. How does Welty seem to connect the literary traditions of the past while still emerging as a writer of this new era?Bellow, intro and Adventure of Augie Marsh, Chp 1Who was Bellow?The story is decidedly urban. What about it makes it a city story and how does that relate to America at this time?Comment on how women are portrayed in this story.Brooks, intro and We Real Cool and any one other poem (you pick) and then pleasego here to hear her read “We Real Cool” alou (Links to an external site.)d (poems are of course supposed to be heard! They are music!):Who was Brooks?Comment on the musical quality of “We Real Cool” after reading it and hearing her read it. How does she create that sound?What other poem did you pick?From the poem you picked, quote a favorite line or one you think really has a particular effect. Explain the effect. Please quote poetry correctly too!Spiegelman, (intro and From Maus)Who was Spiegelman?Why did he choose a graphic novel for this recording of history?Tell me your reaction to Maus. Like it? Dislike? Why?What makes this literature uniquely American, in your own opinion?Baldwin, intro and ‘Going to Meet the Man’Who was Baldwin?What would you say the “moral” or lesson of the story here is?Comment on Baldwin’s use of language. Look at his words, and also the words he gives his characters. What does his style suggest about the author himself?Is there a current/modern connection in this story and our daily lives right now?Ginsberg, intro and ‘Supermarket in California’Who was Ginsberg?Read the poem silently, then aloud.Comment on the language. You should be looking for alliteration, assonance and consonance (Links to an external site.). (Links to an external site.) You can look those up if you don’t know what they are. I am interested in your reaction to the aural experience of the poem.Do you think this poem has a “meaning” or is it like a piece of abstract art, meant to be savored but not understood?And if we think that art can serve this purpose, pleasure and playful, refusing to be conventional, is this a kind of rebellion that might reflect somehow on the time it was written? Think about the 1960s and how that time was a breaking from convention and tradition of the 1950s.Silko, intro and ‘Lullaby’Who was Silko?React to Lullaby. Like it? Not? Explain.Is there a current/modern connection in this story and recent events in American? I’m thinking of Native Americans in the news in the recent past.Lahiri, intro and ‘Sexy’Who is Lahiri?The story shows culture clash, something very huge in this period of time. Give me two examples of eastern culture clashing (or meshing) with western culture.Lahiri is a master of indirect characterization, meaning she shows, not tells, you about people. Tell me something you know about one of these characters, through something they do or say (or don’t do or don’t say), rather than something Lahiri writes specifically about them.More on indirect vs direct characters at this link (Links to an external site.)Diaz, intro and ‘Drown’Who is Diaz?Drown captures two American phenomenon: a boy growing up in American, and a multi-cultural boy growing up in America. Which details do you think could apply to most any boy growing up in America, if any? And which do you think apply specifically to the experience of a multicultural boyhood? Find two of each, or if you think there are only multicultural details, and no universal details that would apply across all/any boys, find four examples of the multicultural boyhood experience.

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