1. Compute the effective bandwidth for a mix of VBR connections 1,…,I.
2. Show how the homogeneous case can be derived from your formula
3. Assume K connections, each with peak rate p, sustainable rate m and burst tolerance b, are offered to a trunk with constant service rate P and FIFO buffer of capacity X. Find the conditions on K for the system to be loss-free.
4. Assume that there are two classes of connections, with Ki connections in class i, i = 1, 2, offered to a trunk with constant service rate P and FIFO buffer of infinite capacity X. The connections are accepted as long as their queuing delay does not exceed some value D. Draw the acceptance region, that is, the set of (K1, K2) that are accepted by CAC2. Is the acceptance region convex ? Is the complementary of the acceptance region in the positive orthant convex ? Does this generalize to more than two classes ?